Saturday, November 14, 2009

Loan Modification Cancellation

Where to begin? Like the millions of home owners that are trying to negotiate with their banks for a loan modification, I am positive that dealing with Countrywide now Bank of America is like dealing with a dead skunk! The rotten smell exudes from the supposed incompetency, or it is just a carefully masked deceptive agenda?

Gleefully, I filled in my loan modification documents and had them notarized. We quickly sent them off to Countrywide (BankofAmerica) in their prepaid FedEx envelope. After a "gazillion" phone calls to their home retention division, we were finally told that "yes" we were approved for a loan modification. The overwhelming stress lifted off our shoulders and I full blasted an appropriate song for the occasion, "I can see clearly now the rain is gone!" Life was good and it seemed like we were moving forward.

My husband the ever pesomist, nagged me incessantly. The Bank of America loan statement had not changed to reflect our new loan modification. Not only that, we had never received a confirmation letter with the new modification. (this bank doesn't like to leave a paper trail as it is all SMOKE AND MIRRORS). The ever optimist that I am, I kept assuring him that it would take a while for their computer systems to update, especially with the Santa elves that they had hired from the North Pole (like 3 months).

The bad news felt like someone had pulled the rug right out from under us. Now we were told the loan modification was cancelled with no explanation. We had stuck to their plan with timely mortgage payments, according to the loan modification and now we were cancelled?

Complaints to the Attorney Generals office entitled us to one letter from Bank of America to re-do the loan modification. Scrambling to get all the documents required and faxed, we were now dealing with the office of the "president?"

This time I even knew the name of the person (GhostWhoWalks) I was dealing with. Things seemed to be looking up, except for the fact that I could hardly ever get this person on the phone.
Finally, this representative from Bank of America discusses the materials from the loan modification (without ever having looked at it as they are psychic) and in a couple of days I receive a FORBEARANCE contract.

I didn't really understand this document and had to send it back the same day. The document was appropriately "time sensitive" to throw off stupid idiots like me. After finally getting this illusive representative on the phone, I told her, I thought we were doing a loan modification and not a forbearance??????

I have asked for nearly 2 months (many phone calls and faxes) to them to cancel the forbearance and to continue with the loan modification. Finally, someone (TheShadow) returns my call as the original illusive representative has a family "death."

Now, I have to go over the loan modification material again, for the 3rd time? Talk about wearing you down, down, dowwwwwnnnn!!!!!

I believe there is no intention for Countrywide or Bank of America to do loan modifications on Adjustable Rate Mortgages (ARM). I truly believe that they make money from dragging out foreclosures, short sales and supposed loan modifications, especially if they are servicing the loan or the property is upside down. There is no incentive for them to expedite the process and the measly compensation provided by the Feds is a lot less than what they could make otherwise.

I never believed in compensation for psychological stress, but now after going through this excruciating, graying process, not only do I have to spend more money on hair dye but I have 1 Christmas wish for anyone listening (reading). If you experienced the same deceptive practices, please sue them for psychological stress through their deceptive almost demonic banking practices!

And so it continues............

Trial mortgage modifications offered to nearly 1 million November 10th, 2009

Bank of America faces complaints over mortgages and stalled loan modifications October 30th, 2009

United Law Group to Litigate on Behalf of Over 40,000 Homeowners Against Major Servicers and Lenders for Alleged Improprieties - November 4th, 2009 I started contacting this law firm. There is a class action suit against Countrywide / Bank of America that I would like to join.

Keepin’ It Real Estate: Trial Modifications Are Criminal - November 12th, 2009 We were never told we were on any "trial" bogus modification! We paid on the new loan modification for 3 months and then on our own "steam" discovered that they had canceled. There was NO PHONE CALL, and NO LETTER. Be careful this doesn't happen to you! Make sure you get in writing that you actually have a loan modification. Having spoken to the office of the president they want us to go on a "trial" period even though we had already done the three months etc. I truly believe they are just dragging out the process to "squeeze" the little man. Sorry Obama! Your plan is not working!!!

1 comment:

  1. We're right there with you! Keep fighting.
